Johnston Ming Manning LLP

4943 - 50th St
Red Deer, AB T4N 1Y1
(403) 346-5591


👤 About

Johnston Ming Manning is a law firm that practices in the town of Red Deer and surrounding area in central Alberta. The firm has been active since 1953, and during those sixty years, they have gone through many changes and handled thousands of cases. In the beginning, the firm was known as Robinson & Holmes, but the name has been changed several times as the active partners have left, most of them to accept judicial appointments. Today, the firm is named for senior partner Mac Johnston and the late James T. Mah Ming.

Johnston Ming Manning has a diverse team of experts practicing within the firm, covering a broad range of legal topics. Some of the areas that Johnston Ming Manning specialize in, include criminal law, civil litigation, collections, commercial law, corporate law, family law, personal injury law, property issues and will and estates. Virtually every area of the legal universe is covered by Johnston Ming Manning. And with this wide range of coverage, they are still able to maintain a laser-like focus when dealing with individual clients and cases.  


🌎 Location


📧 Contact


4943 - 50th St, Red Deer, AB T4N 1Y1
(403) 346-5591